Monday, May 27, 2019

Sandy M.I.A.!!

Wow... the garden is looking so good. I wonder where I could go and dig next...

Oh... er... Hello. Yes, Leo here... I'm just, um, keeping Sandy's chair warm for him. He and Little Fox took a later flight than me... Oh me? Digging a hole in the garden?? Well... yes... cats are very good hole diggers you know...

Oh... a message for me? Wow!! My first piece of mail.

It's from Sandy! I was wondering when he was going to be home... his return flight left London over a day ago!... Uh-oh...

"Dear Leo, Going on another trip, can you take over blog and answer mail or get one of the gang to do it? Thx. Sandy"

Uh.... hole digging is going to have to wait! This is an emergency!!

Sigh... why is everyone always late for meetings?

Ah, here we all are... all right...

I call this meeting to ord... ah-hem... Bear?? Could you move your arm please?

Great, thanks. OK gang, we have an emergency here. Sandy is going on another trip and you guys all need to cover his jobs.

OK, got it? He left me in charge of supervising all of you... because cats are smart and savvy and....

"Umm... excuse me... Brumm here... let me get this right?"

 "He left you in charge??? The littlest stuffie?"

"Hey!! Wait a minute!!! He is not the littlest stuffie!!" (Who is that?)

"Excuse me... but I think it's pretty clear I am the littlest stuffie... and there's nothing wrong with being little!"

"I agree!! Little stuffies are very adept at getting into little places (like cookie jars)..."

"That is true... I am not the littlest stuffie here, but I am very dextrous!"

"Look... I don't know that size really matters... I think we just need to figure out who's doing what..."

"Weeeeeeee aggrrreeeeeeee...."

OK then... like I said... who wants to do what?

whisper, whisper... grumble, grumble... squeak and giggle... bubble and squeak... whisper....

OK... well that's settled then. We debated leaving everything up to the human but... clearly that is NOT a good idea... (humans are notoriously unreliable) So...

Sticky and Flipper are going to handle any water adventures (clearly they are well-qualified for that)...

Waldi and Rusty are going to handle any hikes/walks/adventures...

That leaves the rest of you bears to divvy up the rest? OK... good... see you later!

***heh-heh... I'm going to go back and dig my holes and fill them up again!***

Do you notice how it's always the bears who get stuck with the tough jobs??

I, Brumm, will take over the Handy Sandy jobs... call me Builder Brumm!!

And I, Teddy, will take over the cooking jobs... you may call me Chef Theodore...

Um... I guess I'll take on gardening then... I don't have a green thumb (actually no thumbs)... but I think I can make this work. You can call me Sooty Zotty!

Right then... that leaves me... Bär... I guess I'll take over opening the mail! Oh... and there's already a piece of mail that's been waiting. Cool! Bring it on!

 Uh... can't see nothing!

There we go... this envelope is from two bears called Jerry & Ben. I like their return address label!

 Oh, it's a letter...
"Dear Sherlock Sandy, I am sending the presKripsion that Jerry said he got from the Doktur. It looks beary suspeasious to me. Hopefully it will help you to solve the kase of the Wacky PresKripsion! Thank you Sherlock Sandy, Your pal, Ben"

Uh... guys?? Hellloooooo!!! STUFFIES!!!
Oh bear poopies... We forgot to assign someone to cover Sherlock Sandy's cases... I guess I could put my paw to it... it can't be that hard, right?

Let's see...
Jerry muzt hav 6 jellee beans each day! Doctur Bear"

Right then... er... Watson Bär on the case!!

I will do my best for client Ben... if any of you see anything that you think would be helpful for me... (anything at all... like... anything)... please let me know!


  1. Hello Watsun Bear. Can i see a sample of Jerry's handwriting?

  2. Thank you Watson for filling in for Sherlock Sandy; Ben says that Jerry says that in the case where there is no jelly beans, a couple of cookies could be substituted. Ben finds this bearyyyyyyyy suspicious.

    1. Hmm. Jerry, i have 2 questions.
      What kind of cookoes can be substituted?
      Is it a one for one substitution?

    2. Ben: "I had to azk Jerry about that, and Jerry pauzed a bit, then said 'Since jelly beans are sooo small, Doctor Bear says 3 cookies = 1 jelly bean.' ... Sherlock Sandy, this sounds bearrrrry suspishious to me."

    3. Uhhh... I guess the question would be... how big are the cookies... I will have to add this to my list of clues...

  3. Cats digging holes? Isn't that canine behavior?...

    1. Some cats think they are dogs. We have a friend, and the cat will fetch a ball.

    2. Cats dig holes in garden beds... deposit a gift/offering of "fertilizer"... and then cover the hole over again...
