Sunday, May 12, 2019

Prepping for the London Trip

Hello... we are getting beary excited. Our trip to London is coming up and there is a lot (a LOT) of preparations required... like packing... and figuring out our itinerary... sites to see... getting some British currency... goodness... the list is endless!

We are also excited for another reasons... someone that we know...

... that we BOTH know...

... is having a book published this month in the UK!!! That's pretty cool...

I wonder if there will be a book signing... do I need to pack a spiffy outfit?? Who am I kidding... of course I do... maybe we'll meet the Queen... ooohh...

Little Fox doesn't have much in the way of attire but we figure a black bow tie would be suitable (he does belong to the "no pants" stuffies club)...

Now... on to the packing...


  1. Looking smart there world travelers! Hope you enjoy some good fish and chips!

  2. A published book? Does the author sign copies?
    Speaking of books. Sandy when is your book that you wrote in November years ago coming out? Baxter

  3. Uhhh... that book... right... forgot about that. I'm not sure that will ever see the light of day. Cause... where is that anyhow???

  4. Hmm.. hey wait a minute.. I think I know the author also..
