Thursday, May 23, 2019

Little Venice

We explored a part of London that none of us have ever visited!! It's called Little Venice...

And... we think it is beary cool... These long skinny boats are beary nice...

 Here comes one now... we think we should rent one next time and live on it for a week (££££)...

We walked along the canal for a bit and found this!! It's a blue Paddington Bear... how do you do?

And a blue-dressed Rose as well!

Turns out we weren't far from Paddington Station so had to go and say "hello" of course.

It's a beary pretty train station... now where to?

Oooh... we are at the Brompton Cemetery... it is beary cool.

But beary overgrown in spots!!

That is a sea of stinging nettles... ugh!

We came here because it has the Crypt of Slytherin... yes it does (shhh...)... Rose is beary excited...

See... down there... that gate... we dared Rose to go down there... and she did... so then she dared us! (That's the problem with dares!!)

Right then... all together now... 1... 2... 3... let's go

Oooohhh... a snake eating it's tail... that reminds us of something...

 Wasn't there a snake thing at Hogwarts... not just Slytherin?

Nnnn... two snakes!!

Are you scared yet?? No... well... just wait!

Wait... the Chamber of Secrets!! That's it... and... we looked through the gate and saw this... and then... something moved in there!!!!

Get us out of here!!!

Huh... go figure... cats are faster than foxes than bears than otters... keep it moving stuffies!

 OK... that's enough for one day... we all need a tumbler of mead!


  1. I bet Otto is much faster in the water!

  2. Rose was sure brave to go down there! We think we would have stayed at the top of the steps. Now, on another topic, what's with "little Venice" and no photos of Italian pizza???

  3. Phew! I'm glad you got out of there. Ooogie would still be back there...

  4. @Droopy - I think you are right...
    @Little Fox - Yep...
    @J&B - Uh... pizza... right... we couldn't find a pizza place there!
    @Ajdin - Oogie couldn't just pulled his head into his shell! Built in body armour comes in handy sometimes...
