Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Day at the Museum...

Hallo... we have big plans today!! We are at South Clapham at the Deep Air Raid Shelter...

We had heard there were tours but... they don't run them anymore... and it is raining... so we need to rejig our plans.

 We went another few stops to a station called... I kid you not... Tooting Bec... Well... that was just too good to pass up... so we all lined up and tooted!!

The locals think we are crazy... apparently tooting in British English is not quite the same as in North American English...

And if you go above ground you can find Tooting Arena (Market)... seriously... we all keeled over laughing...

After some discussion and a lightening in the weather, we decided to go to the Children's Zoo at Battersea Park... a few bus rides later and here we are!

Let's go!

Straight to the park's cafe cause it started bucketing rain... we all got slightly drenched and the weather forecast was not looking good... so after a break in the weather, we ran for the Tube... took it to Victoria Station...

And caught a bus!! Oooh... see that statue of an antelope... that's one of Beanie's favourite statues...

Leo likes it too cause it's of a lioness taking down the antelope...

It seriously started to bucket rain... we were so glad we were on a bus!

But it's hard to see anything through the windows.

We ended up here... the British Museum... let's go in!

Leo wanted a group photo with this lion....

Everyone say "cheese"... errr....

Give him back!!!

 We got Leo back and gingerly walked by a few more lions...

Then we had a gander at the Egyptian exhibit...

Hmm... it's all Egyptian to me!

There's a mummy...

And some big pots...

This guy is missing an arm... wonder if it happened before or after the statue was made?

Leo found another lion friend... and kept a healthy distance...

Even Otto found an otter in this one... we think...

Hmmm... odd that these three all had nose jobs done... bad ones at that!

 Leo found a lion mosaic... this is really his day for lions!

We had a snack... brownie for me and... sponge cake for Little Fox... (not pictured cause it got eaten rather quickly).

 And before we left the grounds...

Another few lions!!

We also said goodbye to Otto because they were heading home with Rose and her mom early the next morning. We are staying a few extra days and moved hostels... to Hammersmith! We like it... we have a room all to ourselves... with a window that opens all the way...

We had lunch at Villagio - a carne (meat) pizza... yum!

We all fell into bed exhausted!


  1. Here's a mummy...where's the daddy? :)

    That picture of all of you mooning the audience was...quite something...

  2. Leo must have been in heaven with all those lions around.

  3. @Droopy... mooning AND tooting!! You couldn't hear that though...
    @LF - Leo was feeling beary regal, that's for sure.
    @Ajdin - I know!! Funny, right? But when I ran it by Beanie, he was like... "uh... it just means "windy"..." Brits are strange...
