Thursday, May 9, 2019

Grand Adventure 3

We needed a break during out grand adventure... we had seen a lot of stuff and the human was a bit pooped too...

And scraped by a blackberry bush...

And muddy and wet from the cross-country trek...

But we weren't bored... Little Fox wanted to know what these little seedlings were... cause they are everywhere.

The first leaves are kind of generic but... when you look more closely at the second set of leaves... it's clear these are from the Big Leaf Maple...

 And we're off again! Goodness... it's a meadow of Pacific Bleeding Heart. Can you see us?

OK... you can see me... but can you see Little Fox?

We found some cute little white flowers along the way but... no idea what they are.

We think this one might be a version of miner's lettuce (apparently we have quite a few different species)...

 And... finally... back to civilization! Whew... what a trek.

One day we hope to get up onto the mountain...

Oh... and one more wild flower... we call this Lion's Tooth!

We took a detour up onto the Petrified Log Rocky Knoll... and found some more miner's lettuce (the one we know best).

See how the leaf is almost complete wrapped around the stalk? That's miner's lettuce!

We also found a stash of old tents, probably a homeless person's stash (from a few years ago).

But then we came across what we'd been looking for... a meadow of White Fawn Lily! Aren't they gorgeous?

It's also called Oregon Fawn Lily (which Little Fox thinks is pretty cool). Whew... what a trek... we are going home now... to have a nap!


  1. Are you adopting Little Fox? He's been there quite a while!

  2. Agree with Ajdin...this is quite an extended vacation for L.F. :)

  3. For Rose: Dandelions: "les dents de lion" that's where the weed get's its name, from the French!

  4. Those flowers are asesome. Keep vacationing LF

  5. @Ajdin - not quite adopting Little Fox - just an extended vacay!
    @Droopy - Stay tuned... there's more coming!
    @J&B - Mais oui! It's nice to know that other countries are semi-bi-lingual, at least when it comes to a word or two!
    @Baxter - Thanks Baxter. Having a great time... wish you were here.
