Friday, June 21, 2019

Catching up on Mail

Uh, hello... Bär here... I know, I have not been keeping the human in line with blog posting but... honestly... I don't know how Sandy does it!! Alright... let's start with some mail...

This card came a few weeks ago... it's from Piebury Corner - mmm... meat pies... they sound yummy.

The card was from Beanie Mouse and Andrea... do you remember that a group of mice is called a Mischief of Mice? I wonder why that is?? Maybe a Sleuth of Bears could figure that out!

And... I don't know if you remember (it's been so long) but... Jerry and Ben had sent a case for Sherlock Sandy and I, Watson Bär was put onto the case... well, I got a bit distracted... although readers of this blog sent in some good clues...

You see... Jerry & Ben have this super-cute return address label... and Sandy doesn't have anything so I did some sleuthing (even a solitary bear can do that)...

And... voila!!! Sandy has his own address labels!! I think he will be beary pleased with that when he comes home. It took a bit of fiddling with the colours but... I think red is a bear good colour... red and white actually...

Cause it matches the colours of the Canadian flag!!! Oh... and my Berlin sash as well... isn't that a happy coincidence!

So... there are LOTS of return address labels...

Which I put to good use by using to send cards to all Sandy's stuffie pals... whew... it's tough being a fill-in for Sandy. I had no idea how much he actually took on!

And our little stuffie committee meeting didn't really handle even half of what Sandy does... we needed a Dr Sandy MD last week (Mama has road burn on the heel of her hand)...

and Dr Sandy DVM too because Spooky has not been doing well. She is hyperthyroid and has also been having asthma attacks which are not nice. We've all been beary sad lately but she got a corticosteroid shot today and we're keeping paws/claws/fingers crossed that she'll perk up... It's been a rough year already what with Grampa and then Sassy cat (Rose's cat) going...

Alright then... Bär signing off for now!


  1. The labels look great! Hope Spooky feels better.

  2. @Beanie - thanks - she seems a bit better today, eating a bit and... grooming her belly!
    @Droopy - thanks Droopy... she's 17 years old so...
    @Jerry & Ben - thanks! Spooky is feeling a bit better today.

  3. Feel better Spooky! Wow 17 years old!
