Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Sandy's Bearbnb - Garden Tours Available

 Did I mention this in another blog post? Hmmm... I can't remember.... 

Yes! We got certified as Wildlife-Friendly Habitat by the Canadian Wildlife Federation. Pretty cool, eh? That' mostly based on having diverse native food sources, water sources and habitat for things like birds, bugs, bees (!!), etc.

As a Bearbnb host, I love to give tours of the garden. Come on in!

Here's our massive blueberry bush! Unfortunately... it tends to provide a lot of food for the local birds and not so much for us! Hence... wildlife friendly. Sigh.

And down here, we have our big long raspberry patch... which does provide food for the humans! And the bees love the flowers, and make honey... I just haven't found the hive yet.

We have lots and lots of flowers... the bees love it!

Here we have some of the veggie beds. The tall green things are the garlic we planted in November. We put straw on the beds to conserve moisture. There are beets and lettuces seeded in the other bed.

Have you ever had beet-potato salad? Yum!!!

The greenhouse will have tomatoes soon but was still a bit too early when this pic was taken.

And over here... we have potatoes in the near bed and some green onions in the far one (along with kale seedlings).

Our old kale plants from last year, we dig out and then pop into random spots around the yard so they can flower and attract... oh wait... do you see it???

It's a beeeeeeee!!! Mid-left side!! On the flower with the wood behind it...

Seeeeeee!!! The bees love the kale and it's an early-ish flower so it feeds them nicely.

More flowers here... the tulips are just starting to finish.

And the rhodos are just starting... at least ours are. Some other ones in the neighbourhood are already finishing!

And there we go... there is one last section of the "garden" to show you but... I'll leave that for next week's post... stay tuned!


  1. Amazing garden. Our blueberries seem to be feeders for the blue Jay's as well.

    1. Yes, 5 years later and we've eaten maybe 10 blueberries a year. Sigh.

    2. Yes, 5 years later and we've eaten maybe 10 blueberries a year. Sigh.
