Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Beary Special Type of Garden

Soooo... this is the view out the second bedroom window. It would normally not be a beary pretty view as it's under the deck but... with a bit of coaxing from this little bear... the humans actually made it something quite pretty...

Let's get a closer look outside... it's a...

Fairy & Gnome Garden! With a dry riverbed!

There are lots and lots of gnomes (or are they elves?).

And fairies of various types. Don't ask me... the taxonomy of fairies and gnomes is beary complicated. Is it a woodland sprite? Or a pond nymph? Noooo idea!

There are lots of things to see... even some fossils and cool rocks and... a moose jawbone...

Some odds and ends from the coal mining days...

And more fairies!

Plus a whole superhero section. And matchbox cars. Most of which were dug up during archeological excavations (=digging garden beds).

A whole little village of painted stone houses.

And a random pig chillaxin' along the dry riverbed!

This is a new addition... a mouse sleeping on a crescent moon!

Kids (and stuffies) love the view out the second bedroom window... so much to see.


  1. Great idea, I like the mouse sleeping on a crescent moon.

    1. We thought Beanie Mouse would like it too! And Cocoa... and Navy... of course.
