Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Hike along the River

Righto... we are off on a hike today!

Just wandering around down by the river and checking out what there is to check out. We have strawberry blooming! 

They make the teeny-tiny berries which have more flavour than three regular strawberries!

There are so many cool rocks here!

Like, rocks from everywhere!

We have volcanic porphyry...

And we have granites...

Along with sandstones and conglomerates.

Let's see what else we can find.

A different view...

There are cute maple trees here... not the Big Leaf Maples like at home

But one with daintier leaves...

The river is eroding this bank quite badly...

That's what happens with rivers... they are never stationary!

We found this cool mural under the highway!

Have you seen the video??? It's pretty funny... It's a 3 minute video by Pixar...

But we see another mural on another bridge pier... just have to get there...

And hop across...

Do you see them??? They are called "The Boys"... It's a bunch of bad-ass teddy bears!


We found some mushrooms...

And the Saskatoon's are in bloom! Also known as Pacific serviceberry, western serviceberry, western shadbush, or western juneberry... we want to know what Little Fox calls them. We think Saskatoon Berry must be a purely Canadian name.

It's so pretty here.

And sometimes you just need to stop and sit...

And enjoy the view.

Isn't this cool? Someone broke open a rock and... while it's kind of a meh grey on the outside... it's green on the inside!

That's pretty neat!

We didn't find a lot of other flowers blooming... other than dandelions of course!

But we did find some of the tree carvings... this is an owl!

And then the faces in the trees...

This next one is cool!!!

With a rifle and everything!

This tree is also neat as it has lots of little carved cabins/houses...


Very cute...

But we also saw that a lot of the older carvings are gone... either taken by someone or they just deteriorate over the years as the cottonwood bark grows and expands.

Cool!!! We had fun here!

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