Saturday, June 29, 2024

Gramma's Cooking

 As some of you know... Gramma is always cooking something!

She made us a gluten-free rye-styel bread. Yum!!!

And... er... canned salmon?

Usually we have "real" salmon!! But Gramma says it's not the season for it... sigh.

But that's OK because she made us a salmon chowder which was beary yummy.

And with fresh bread... you can't go wrong!

Now it's time for dessert... hmmm... frozen slices of banana? What the heck? Gramma says I will like it.... hmmmm... first we have to wait for them to thaw a bit...

So let's see what else Gramma has!

She made rhubarb muffins! They look beary yummy... will have to try them later.

And there is some nut cake too... good to know.

Let's go check out her secret (not so secret) chocolate stash...

Ah, yes, some Belgian chocolates...

With 8 pieces left...

That's 1 for you and 7 for me!

Alright... so the bananas are in the food processer and ready to be processed, still mostly frozen

I am standing by with the cocoa powder...

And some maple syrup (we had more)...

Ready... OK... let's whiz up the bananas (with cocoa powder and maple syrup already in there).

First they go kind of crumbly... (but keep it going)

What the heck are we making???

But then it starts holding together and going round in kind of a lump...

Seriously weird...

And then we have... gasp... chocolate ice cream made out of frozen bananas???!!!

Honestly... if you didn't know different... you'd never know! There is maybe a faint hint of bitterness, but Gramma figures that's because we put in double the cocoa powder that the recipe called for... so it probably needed more maple syrup. But we are going to try this again at home!

Thanks Gramma!!!


  1. The roommates make banana ice cream all the time. Three bananas, frozen mixed berries and almond milk. Yum. Now, they want to try with cocoa powder

  2. Ps. I'll take grandmas canned salmon chowder recipe
