Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bearbnb Hosts are Bears of all Trades!

Hullo! We have blocked a night in our Bearbnb calendar in order to get some maintenance done! There is always "something" that needs replacing or touching up or fixing or... something!

Today, we are working on the bathroom. We have taken the shower curtain down.

Let's go take a look and see how my underling is doing...

Excellent... looks like the painting is done...

And we're in the middle of working on the bathroom fan.

Yes, even bathroom fans need replacing. I did a tonne of research on the fan and found a place that sells the blower assembly as a replacement part.

This is the old one...

And this is the new one!

And there's the hole in the ceiling there the blower assembly gets put in...

Let's take a look down the exhaust vent itself!

First we need a headlamp... ahhh... bright light!

See the flapper bit there... just need to... oof... get up there without getting dirty...

There we go! Ewwww... someone obviously cleaned the fan at some point but a lot of crud got blown into the exhaust ducting. We cleaned that out...

And all of this makes a big mess! 

Which is why it's good to have an underling to clean up after themselves!

And there's the new one popped in! It's really quite easy... if you know what you're doing. Thank goodness for YouTube videos!

We'll just plug it in and... it works!

Excellent... let's check up on the other project which was touching up trim paint around the place...

The door frames in particular are always getting dinged and banged up... but the underling has done a good job of touching up those bits.

Good help is hard to find you know... but as an experienced stuffie... I know how to handle these humans!

The last project was installing some holders for the shower rod. It's a tension rod, you can tighten it by rotating the two pieces but... it keeps getting moved and stripping the paint off the wall in those spots. Sooo... paint the wall above the shower and... holders so that we can make it nice and tight and not worry it's going to damage the wall again!

Now that we've done all these little projects... we can get back to our regularly scheduled cleaning!