Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Chillaxin' on the Bearbnb Patio

 Hullo again! It's spring! And that means the weather is getting much better. Lots of sunshine and time to chill-relax... chillax... on the patio!

Of course we have some plants out here too. A rotating selection of whatever is in bloom... or coming into bloom.

This Bearbnb host is also a gardener you know...

So we have a dining area where guests like to sit and eat their evening meal. This patio gets early morning and late afternoon sun, so it's generally nice and cool in the heat of summer.

The forget-me-nots were getting a bit wild and crazy when this pic was taken!

And then we have the cozy sectional, my personal favourite!

The patio is long and skinny but the pieces of the sectional can all be moved soooo... it's beary versatile.

And it has a view of the Coast Mountains AND the ocean...

I know it doesn't look like much in the photo but... it really is quite nice on a sunny day.


Of course, on a cloudy day, all you see is grey (or gray as they say in the USA).

Waiter! I'll have a tall iced hot chocolate please!

Or maybe not... maybe I'll have a different drink. It's so hard to decide.

This is such a great place to relax and read a book or scroll your pics of the day's adventures!


  1. Wait you have an ocean view? Thats awesome. Put me down for an iced hot cocoa as well.

    1. And the Coast Mountains. Don't forget that. Is iced hot cocoa any different than chocolate milk?
