Saturday, June 15, 2024

A Tent for the Pacific Crest Trail

 Oh hullo! Yes, yes... still creeping along the Pacific Crest Trail virtual Conqueror Challenge! But... decided I really needed a tent... 

Ideally... it would have been, like... a real tent... like the miniature ones you see in some outdoor supply stores...

Or even... the cat tents you can get...

But my sekrebeary says there are "budgetary constraints due to inflation" soooo....

We have this old IKEA bag that has busted handles and is a bit thin in spots...

It would make a great tent! No?

Ta-dah!!! Just testing it out there...

But it looks pretty good...

Now what does it look like inside???

Seriously... must get a part-time job and make money for a "real" tent!

Although... you know what... this actually is pretty good...

I mean... it's beary lightweight... all it has is tarp and rope. Some of those other tents would probably be quite heavy and I am backpacking after all...

Let's see how it folds up...

Not bad! And when it's folded, it doubles as a chair for a bear... or a bear chair!

And it'll fit into my backpack no problem! (P.S. I took a page out of Hermione Grainger's book and used the Extension Charm (Capacious Extremis) on my backpack to increases it's interior size without affecting its exterior size. Smart, eh??

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