Saturday, June 1, 2024

An Epic Waterfall Adventure - Part 1

 Today we are going somewhere new!! As a Bearbnb host, I need to suss out cool places for my stuffie guests to visit... and today is one of those days!

Hmmmm.... strange green mesh tubes... betcha there is a little Douglas Fir seedling in there somewhere...

Yep... do you see it?

There it is!

I imagine it (a) protects the seedlings from too much sun and (b) stops the deer from eating them!

Anyhow... let's go! Those white things are also tree tubes... just hard white plastic ones.

This is beary nice down here... and this little stream behind me is beary peaceful.

Now... just need to get across it...

Seriously, that's the bridge?

OK... easy does it... one step at a time... don't look down and don't flinch.

I can do this!!!

I did it!!! Wait... what do you mean... "that wasn't the bridge"?

Oh for Pete's sake... there was a real bridge here and everything. Sometimes I think my sekrebeary is making up adventures!

Right then... our next stop is this beary steep slope with a thin little trail meandering down it...

It's steeper (and thinner) than it looks...

Are we sure this is the right way?? "Maybe"... sigh...

Right then... we are almost down to the creek.... normally we would be over on the far side... but today we are trying this side... and trying a new trail. Always a great adventure.

OK... it's now getting so steep there is a rope to hang onto...

Wheeee... that was fun!

But... hmmm... we will have to go back up at some point!

Never mind... onwards!

Oh boy... more rope...

And uber steep... hold on!

But... we are here!!!!

This is Flynnfall Creek Falls... I think it should just be Flynn Falls but... whatever...

It is beary pretty and flows into the main creek here...

I show a video... hope it works... (

Yes, that last bit of the video shows the way back up and out... but our adventure is not over yet!

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