Saturday, June 22, 2024

Leaving on a Jet Plane!

 Hullo! I am off on another flight adventure!

Today's arrival into YVR (that's Vancouver for short) was mid-afternoon. Not a bad time!

But we have a 5 (yes, five) hour layover!!! Which is good, because it means I can get ahead with my blogging!

We brought some snacks too... cause there's nothing worse than a stuffie who gets hangry.

We wandered around the airport for a bit, to get our steps in... that virtual PCT trail isn't going to walk itself.

And found this vending machine... "UpMeals - the Future of Healthy Eating is Here". Huh?

This machine will dispense "healthy", "fresh" food... hmmmm... nope. Not going to try it.

There's lots of cool stuff to see at the airport.

Hah... I could almost pretend I was in Hawaii!

Lots of cool Indigenous art.

Go Canucks Go!!!!

There's even a waterfall!

Actually, more than one, because there is also one at the International Arrivals area!

I was trying to convince Mama to take me into the Air Canada lounge but apparently we don't have enough points to qualify. And why is that?? Why are we not Elite members?

Because we don't travel enough!!!! Ugh...

Of course there is a Starbucks (or two)... and of course I had a hot chocolate... cause why not.

I encountered this group of bears wearing Canucks jerseys!! They look about my size! Cool... how much for a jersey? Yep, willing to buy them off your backs guys...

No. Even I draw the line at a $40 jersey for a little bear. Hmph.

We went looking for another snack... hmmm... All-Dressed chips... we know Little Fox likes those...

And then... fairly quickly, all things considered, we were on the plane to our final destination!

Where are you going? Heh-heh... can you guess? Hint... it's not England!

Nope, and those are not the Rockies!

Ta-dah!!! We went to see Gramma for Mother's Day (yes, this blog is beary late).


  1. Yikes, $40.00 Canadian is a lot for a bear - maybe you can negotiate a cash discount? Good call on bringing your own snacks - I'm assuming teh airport food is super expensive up there as well.
    Too bad about the Air Canada lounge, does WestJet have a lounge?

    1. Yes, $40 is a bit steep. There is a lounge in the WestJet area but you need to have a membership and... we don't.

  2. PS - those All Dressed Chips are amazing. I have to get them on the black market down here (i.e. overpaying for them on Amazon). Ruffles chips introduced them in the United States in 2015 and they discontinued them in 2021.
    Apparently, people in the US didn't really understand the flavor.....sigh.

    1. Heathens... some people are just heathens. How can you not understand the pure flavour symphony of All-Dressed? Ah well... more for true connoisseurs!
