Sunday, June 2, 2024

Epic Waterfall Adventure - Part 2

 Hullo! Well, we scrambled up that first bit from the waterfall but now... we are going to explore on the other side of this creek...

There's another waterfall up there... beary pretty too... Apparently there is also a big ammonite mold in the stream bed but we didn't know where to look...

So we will have to come back!

Alright... onwards... sometimes being little is an advantage, especially when there is blowdown...

Believe it or not, there is a thing thread of a trail up here... hmmm...

And... oh wow... 

That is a steep drop into the main creek!!!

Ah-hah... we recognize this place... we have hiked down the creek bed in the summer when there's not a lot of water...

And upstream is the big waterfall... We've been there many times but we are looking for a way to turn it into a loop hike.

And this might just be it! During low water season of course...

Now to head back...

Still didn't see the ammonite impression...

It was found back in 2012 but you can only see it when there is no water in the creek... will have to come back!

And now... we climb up the ropes...

Carry me??

Whew! And we made it!

Interesting tree formation...

There are a bunch of those mesh tree tubes here...

And of course someone dared me to crawl through one... ooof....

Think squirmy wormy!

And... I'm out! Almost...

Just a bit more wriggle...

Whew... that would make a great Stuffie Olympic event!

Seriously... epic adventure, which this little bear loves!!

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