Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Checking on my new favourite flower

Hullo... we are out and about on another hike this morning. I know... I am a seriously lucky bear! Mind you... this hike was in early June soooo...

I found these little cuties which belong to the pea family.... they look like the trefoil flower...

but have no white on them...

Ooh... these are new. They weren't out the last time we were here...

They are called Twin Flowers... cause there are two flowers on each stalk... cute...

And the salal is blooming... have yet to figure out what to do with salal. Apparently it makes quite a yummy jelly but... picking them is beary difficult as there aren't a lot of berries on each bush.

Oooh... my cute little stonecrop friends...

That flower looks beary pretty...

The grass has grown up quite a bit since I was last here...

These are new - they kind of look like a daisy but... goodness know what they are...

And... whoa... there is a lot of trefoil around!

They are all blooming quite nicely along the road under the powerlines...

It's been a beary wet spring and they like soggy seeps.

Who knew that there would be so many here under the powerlines...

Everywhere I look, I see clumps of them... Have to say, they are much easier to spot when they are blooming!

So cute...

Even here... on an island in the middle of the ATV tracks... a little patch is thriving...

Grow little flowers, grow!

Right then... enough of the trefoil...

Here we have some Nootka Rose... I think they should have been the Official Flower of BC... the Pacific Dogwood only grows down south whereas the Nootka Rose grows throughout the province. Hmph... just saying...

And here we have... hmmm... a new one on me... after some research...

It is Tomcat Clover! (Who names these things?) Beary pretty...

Nice little view of the ocean from here.

This little flower is quite shy and dainty... it is called Small-Flowered Alumroot...

See... small flowers!

Not sure what the roots are like but the leaves are pretty distinctive.

Apparently they are related to Coral Bells which some people have in their gardens...

And finally... quite a find...

Some Tiger Lilies!!!!

Cool!!! We haven't ever seen these down here before, so this is a nice discovery.

Sandy Bear, avid botanist, signing off... P.S. this adventure took place in ***cough*** early June... been having soooo many adventures...


  1. Tiger lilies are awesome. I am partial to fox glove and bear grass. Speaking of naming, do you have a flower called hoppy on a stick? Its a western Pasque flower. Fireweed is about the only thing left blooming down here.

  2. Hmmm... Western Pasque Flower... that looks like an anemone that gets a big wild hair tuft afterwards. I don't think we've seen that... We don't have much blooming up here right now either... except tansy I think... and some asters...

  3. Tiger lillies - beary nice! Those look different than the ones that I've seen, maybe they're at a different stage of flowering or something.
