Friday, September 4, 2020

A New Flower

Hullo... Sandy Bear here... I am out in the forest for an exercise walk. Yes, stuffies need exercise too!

It's a bit drizzly today but... the forest looks beary lush and green this year.

 Why are we here? Good question... I saw this new flower and wanted to take a few pictures.

It's this one... See? It has a bunch of flat leaves at the top of the stalk - the number seems to vary... 

And it can have one, two or three of this little star shaped flowers - they are white-pink and quite pretty.

I have no idea what they are... so we are going to have to go home and consult the bible.

Hah - this bible! Plants of Coastal British Columbia (including WA, OR & AK). Little Fox might now of this book...

Let's see... where to look... The book is arranged by Families which can make it a bit tricky. Mama used to have Audubon's guide which was arranged by flower colour... which you might think worked better but... funnily enough, we kept this book and got rid of Audubon. Oh look, there's Vanilla Leaf!

And this is the wild Bleeding Heart...

They are in Other Families - that's another name for Miscellaneous... so let's just flip through...

Do you have a plant book for where you live?

And... a few pages later... success!!!

Here we go... Broad-Leaved Starflower, also known as Western Starflower and Indian Potato. Hmm... Apparently the plant has tubers which the First Nations used for food. Fascinating...

All this talk of food reminds me... we stopped at Starbucks on the way home and ordered something to go...

Mmmmm... a warmed-up chocolate chunk fudge brownie... yum!


  1. Cool book! I've never owned a field guide to plants before. May come in handy recently. That brownie looks they have any chocolate-free varieties?...

    1. I don't think they have chocolate free varieties... maybe a blue berry crumble cake or something.

  2. Is the post-hike brownie a regular thing now? Not bad, not bad
