Monday, September 21, 2020

Garden Bounty

(editor's note... from mid August)... 
Sooo... the garden... how is it doing? Oh quite well...

We are rolling in the cucumbers right now... and scallions. Those round things are called lemon cucumbers, they are pretty yummy.

But that is not the story du jour... noooo....

Today's story is... zoo-kee-knee... lot and lots and LOTS of zoo-kee-knee

Anybody want some?? Apparently... when we planted the zoo-kee-knee and butternut squash... someone (ahem) lost track of what was what... and while we thought we had lost a bunch of zoo-kee-knee seedlings... apparently it was the butternut squash seedlings that bit the dust and... voila... we have a dozen zoo-kee-knee plants....

I know... does anyone need a dozen zoo-kee-knee plants??? Absolutely not... two would likely have done us... We have been giving them away... but people kind of run in the other direction when you mention zoo-kee-knee... So we have been shredding them, squeezing out excess moisture and freezing them in 1 cup quantities... We are well stocked for zoo-kee-knee loaf supplies!

See... zoo-kee-knee plants...

Seriously... don't let humans be in charge of seedlings...

And there's more coming!!! They are beary vigorous these zoo-kee-knee plants... kind of like the Tryffids...

And these is the hot and sunny plots in the garden...

There's also some behind the greenhouse... it too is doing beary well. Sigh... We are on our 5th zoo-kee-knee loaf... 


  1. Wow, what a haul. You are up to your ears in zoo-kee-nee. Are you going to make a stew? A soup? Freeze it? Zucchini bread? Ice cream?

  2. I love Zookhnee. Zookeeper muffins, bread, brownies, bbq on the grill. Lucky bear. I need to plant some next year

  3. Very impressive haul! Zoo-kee-knee bread, according to my human, is very good to eat.
