Saturday, September 19, 2020

More Mail!

 I got more mail! Cool!! I've been sending so many cards this summer that it's nice to get some stuff coming back.

First... a post card... I had to double-check cause it looks like the one person's face has been ripped away... and that must be on the actual painting. Strange...

Naturally, this beary artistic post card is from Beanie Mouse. With congrats on the new fountain pen!

Thanks Beanie! We like the new fountain pen beary much...

The next piece of mail is from...

Holland! I bet I know who sent this...

Yup... it's a picture of Poes from Hammie!

Not that Poes is a blue cat mind you... But G is being beary artistic lately... She did some super cute mini cat and mini bird drawings which we really like. We told her she needs to make cards and sell them on Etsy!

Awww... one of their chickens passed away... so sad... But they have been thinking of us this summer. Probably because I've been inundating Hammie with tonnes of mail

Thanks Hammie & G!

While you're here... I just wanted to show you something in the garden...

Remember in the spring we had some sunflower seedlings? Well... they grew up big and strong!

Do you see it? That 10 foot tall thing?

Yes... that!

Goodbye Jack & the Beanstalk... Hello, Sandy & The Sunflower Stalk!

And these ones too... We've never grown sunflowers before soooo... this is unexpected!

I am not sure if they are going to make sunflower seeds or not... we have to be patient...