Saturday, September 12, 2020

Exciting Mail!

 Hullo! We got mail!! Exciting mail too - an actual box!

It's from a place called the LamyShop?

Did we order a lamb? Nope... we did not...

We ordered a fountain pen!!

The number of disposable pens we go through is ridiculous sooo... we took a page out of Beanie's book and ordered a fountain pen with a converter and a bottle of ink... along with some cartridges to get us going.

Have you ever used a fountain pen?? Mama says she used one when she was a kid... but then... something happened... couldn't get cartridges for them or something.

Ooohhh... pen and paper... so old school. But it flows nice even if one prints...

Don't worry... I'm still going to be blogging... but I will definitely be writing my letters with the fountain pen.

As they say... the pen is mightier than the sword... but is the pen mightier than the keyboard? Hmmm... something to ponder.


  1. Nice. I was expecting a feather style fountain pen. I like your too. What did you do with the old pens?

    1. Nah, fountain pens have come along ways in the last few decades... We take the old pens to a recycling bin at Staples... and of course, we have kept the working pens... because you always need a pen in the kitchen... or in the backpack or... the car...

  2. Wow, that looks so modern. I was also expecting a feather quill.

    1. You should see some of them... they are like the Nimbus 2000 compared to this one...
