Thursday, September 10, 2020

Return from the Waterfall

Hullo... we are a fork in the trail and need to decide which way to go... We've never been this way before and... I think I need a snack to help me think...

Snack.. snack... where is the snack??

There is NO snack???!!

***Photo of little bear pouting***

OK... let's look at the map... Huh... It looks like this park gets really narrow and only follows the creek (which we are no longer along) and... hmm... Maybe we can skootch along the back of the house and angle our way to the NW where we can pick up a trail again?

OK... that's our plan... let's see how it goes.

There's still sort of a trail...

 Going right to someone's back gate... hmmm...

An archaeaological find... I wonder what Little Fox would make of this... I'm going to guess part of a pre-historic vehicle...

And then... we ran out of trail...

And people obviously dump their yard waste down the slope which makes bushwhacking beary difficult!

Wow... that is quite a stash of water craft...

Still no trail...

I hope we don't get lost back here...

Cause we have NO snacks!

Oh... whew... back to civilization... excellent. Moral of the story... always pack a snack... helps prevent bear panic attacks!


  1. NO SNACKS?!? Haven't the humans learned anything from their annual evaluations??....

    1. Well... they now think a snack at the end of the hike is enough...
