Sunday, December 17, 2023

Success in Chasing the Black Powder

 Hullo... we are on a bit of an adventure! Last blog post... we discovered a king tide which prevented us from going along the shore but... we are going up and over! But came across this sign... 

Luckily, from last time... I know that there is only a big pile of dirt and rocks up there... someone wanted to build a house and dumped all this stuff there... and cut down a bunch of trees on the slope and... we think it's tied up in the courts. Because this would not be a great location for a house with all the slope issues...

Let's just poke our noses up a bit?? Any house being built? Nope... just a pile of dirt!

Seeeee!!! And over by that white house is the old road down the embankment... let's go!

This is a much more civilized work-around than splashing through freezing king tides...

There's the ferry again...

Oh... and we found another invasive plant there... the tree on the left...

That is English ivy... The tree behind Sandy's head is...

Something else... beary sprawly... we think it's Irish ivy... which begs the question... why is Ireland not overrun with this stuff too??

And here we are... wow... that tide is really high!

But we want to go just over there... where that big jut-out is...

We can do it!

And we made it! See the old foundations here??

And this big wall?

And more foundations here...

And some old pilings still here...

There used to be a dock and pier here with a little steep railway that ran up the embankment. The nitro-glycerine was shipped in through here, and then wagons took it to the black powder works further inland. One day... despite all the straw in the bed of the wagon, and super springy springs... the wagon exploded. They didn't find anything of the driver or horse... 

There sure is a lot of cool history around here... And we know LF's working on his archaeological degree sooooo we thought he'd like to check this out!

The wall extends for quite a ways and rumour has it that there is an old bunker in there for storing nitro. Back in the 60s teens would explore this area but... all of that was sealed off.

Now we just have to scamper back this way...

And we made it... although Sandy did slip and get a bit dirty!

We have one more stop to make... because we are walking back through the subdivision...

Hah!!! The Tardis!!! 

Pretty cool, eh??

It's one of the coolest Little Library boxes we've ever seen...

We tried sitting in it for a bit but... we didn't time-travel anywhere... Darn. This must not be the "real" Dr. Who tardis....

Still, beary cool!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it is. We think it's the coolest little library ever!

  2. Baxter here. Little Fox might actually get an A this year in his Canadian Archeology studies class.

    1. Indeed he might. Been giving it some effort up here... is he studying architecture too?
