Saturday, December 23, 2023

Destination Jasper, Alberta

Hullo!!! I woke up on the train this morning... it is beary exciting! We went from no snow to some snow to...

Lots and lots of snow!

It's beary pretty!

And you get a great view from the dome car

There's a fair few travelers on the train, even at this time of year. Lots from the US and Europe.

It's a beary civilized... although slow... way to travel.

That might be Mount Robson!

Oh, and I met a few stuffies on the train! This is Sophia, she is from France.

And this is the view sometimes...

I like looking out the back, so you can see where we have been...

The last car is also the posh lounge...

So much to seeee!!

And now... it's time for breakfast!

There's waiters and everything!

Eggs and bacon and... errr... just one packet of honey?? I see several more in the middle of the table...

That's better!!!

Excellent views up here!

Not sure what this controls but I couldn't touch any of it...

There were also puzzles to do...

And games to play! This pool table is just my size.

And Yahtzee!

Oh, and this is Simba...

And this is... bear... there was another stuffie on the train but we never 

And finally... pulling into Jasper!

It's a little nippy here, but I am not here for long...

I just need to find...

Where I am...

And text someone... and...

We are ready to head back!!

Yes, I know... it was a quick trip for this little bear but... I picked up a couple of... can you guess?

Allllll abooooarrrrddddd! (I've always wanted to say that!)

Let's go!!

**N.B. Who did Sandy meet in Jasper?? Was it a back alley deal??? Stay tuned...



  2. Arg.... a quick trip to Jasper and no hiking or snow shoeing. What is going on? Who did you pick up?

  3. Baxter here. I do appreciate that you are traveling 1st class. Apparently the humans are trying to boost next year's evaluation score .

    1. Ya know, I had that thought as well. They are really going all out...
