Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Painting with Handy Sandy and Mail and Bus Bingo and Sekrebeary Evaluation!

Hullo!! Little Fox's visit would not be complete without a bit of home renos! Multiple painting projects and touch-ups.

Which means a lot of stir-sticks and paint brushes...

One project was to paint the front closet. It was a dark brown colour and looked really dinged up... Now it's a nice off-white!

Seee... the other hallway closets are the same colour... icky brown... but we can only handle so many closets at once before the house looks like hurricane.

So what else?

Well, the bathroom cabinets need a touch up too...

And the murphy bed base was just raw wood and plywood... so that got painted too...

And then various wall touch-ups... too many to track!

Alright... while the paint dries... we have mail!!!

This first one is a Christmas card from... Little Fox!!

Wow! That's impressive, being so early with the card this year!

"Hmmmm... I think Baxter is doing a beary good job of keeping the sekrebearies on their toes this year!"

And... hold that thought for a moment... 

The next card is... the Trevi Fountain in Rome?

Yes it is... from Ajdin!!

"Wait a minute... didn't we get a postcard from Droopy from Pizza?? I mean... Pisa??"

Yes we did... they must have booked through the same stuffie tour group again!

Now... we have two special pieces of paper...

Sandy's new Bus Bingo card!!! This is #4...

We think the diagonal from top left to bottom right will be a shoe-in very quickly...

"I must remember to check my bus bingo card when I get home... I do have one, right?? "

Which leads us straight to... Sekreberay Evaluation time!

It's been a few years (2015!!??) since I've done one of these... so let's get started...

Hmmm... sometimes... often...

This is hard, you know.... But I think we're done...

"Hmmm... There are a few Rarely's in there... which is not good." 
Yeah... let's enter it into the spreadsheet and compare with the last one (2015... seriously???).

Ok.... Sooo... yellow means the rating has stayed the same. Green is an improvement. Red is a decrease (not good!) And blue is a new category... Overall, we can see that in some categories, the sekerebeary has done OK (yellow) or good (green and blue). But in others... there has been some serious backsliding...

Room for improvement... more hot chocolate and brownies! Bringing gear on hikes! Updating blogs in a timely manner. This category was hard to score since there has been improvement in the last few weeks but... before that, it was sad! And mysteries... well... we haven't had hardly any of those! But campfires and smores... those are key.

Overall... let's see... 7 ratings in the Always and Often categories which is 58%... somebody needs to do some improving! Cause if it had been 6 in the Always/Often categories... the sekrebeary would need a refresher course!

How is your sekrebeary doing?? We know some stuffies who would probably score theirs at an epic fail for updating their blogs regularly... 

"I know I'm going to have to do one when I get back home... looking at you roommates!"


  1. Baxter here. Yep the roommates are slacking big time. It's not like they are traveling or hiking or ???

    1. Seriously? Baxter, I thought you had those roommates well under control. Fear not... LF is enroute!
