Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas Mouse Mail!

 Er... Hi Minnie... Um... can we... oh, never mind!

Hullo, we got some mail today!!

"Yes, it's in a beary posh repurposed Harrods plastic bag as envelope creation. That can only mean one thing... It's a Beanie letter! Although I don't think it's got a sweater inside. Sigh... hmmm... ever feel like you're being watched?

"Mind your own beeswax Minnie... honestly... cats..."

Heh-heh... at least it's just Minnie and not the Christmas Sweater Cat... who is now a Sweater-less cat... no sign of him yet.

Anyhow, it's a beary nice card with sprinkly glitter and everything.

Awwww... Cocoa Beanie has a bit of a tear in his eye at the thought of his long-lost cousins...

Thanks Beanie & the Gang!! One day...

"Are you done with my sweater yet??"
Ack!!! Almost gave me a heart attack!

Oy, I sure hope that knitted vest comes soon...


  1. So....when the vest comes will Christmas cat get to wear it and you get to keep his sweater?

    1. Oh no no no!! The vest has been made to order, and will only fit a Beanie!! Christmas Cat will get his own sweater back. Might smell of mouse though.....

  2. There were go. The Beanie has spoken! A mouse sweater will likely attract other cats... could be a good thing for Cat romance...

  3. Merry Christmas to all!!! Maybe you will get a new outfit this year, Sandy.
