Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Fox Mail!

 And... we're back! With more mail! Today's mail is from Little Fox down in Oregon.

I think maybe Reindeer helped pick out this card...


"Are you done with my sweater yet? I heard you got more mail... did your vest come yet??"
"No! And stop hovering like that... I'll let you know when I have it!"

Anyhow, where were we... Ah yes... The card is addressed to Sandy and Crew...
"And notice... e' didn't write on the inside of the front flap... that means we can makes us some more repurposed cards!"

And... oooh... LF is going to Joshua Tree National Park for Christmas. Nice!

Thanks Little Fox! Cocoa Beanie and I wish you a beary Merr...

Oh for goodness sake!

Never a dull moment around here...

"It's OK... I have him in the famous Beanie Butt Squish position!"

There's always a point where a beanie butt comes in handy!"

Except with cats who are notoriously slippery to hold down!

Sigh... I hope the next mail delivery brings that vest... for all of our sakes!
"Argh... Ger-off me you big fat cat!!" 
"Who you calling fat! You're the one with a Beanie Butt!"...