Monday, November 9, 2020

Happy Bearthday!!

 Hullo! It's my bearthday today!!! Happy Bearthday to me!!!

I received some postcards over the last couple of weeks... excellent!

The first one is from Washington DC... I was in DC a few years ago doing a tour of the cherry blossoms with Ajdin!

It was a super fun trip!

Sure enough, it's from Ajdin! He was in DC recently... nice! I wish I could travel again... sigh.

Thanks Ajdin!!

Oh... and Ajdin used a poinsettia stamp which makes me think that Christmas is not far around the corner.

Eeks! Christmas... it was just September... how the time flies.

The second postcard is a fancy marble bust of a person with a building on their head...

I think it's the Parthenon... the building... but... the weird thing with this postcard is...

See... the ideas are like white and there is green stuff... but... when you look at the postcard I don't see any damage to the surface. Sooo... was the original bust made like this? Or was the postcard made like this or??

Here's a photo of the bust... nope... eyes are not whited out... huh... going to have to ask the postcard sender which is...

Beanie Mouse!! Beanie got a new post ink called Atlantic Green which has gold bits in it and is sea green. I see the sea green but the flecks of gold are hard to see... nice ink though!

Thanks Beanie!! And maybe you can answer the burning question... did the original postcard have whited-out eyes or...???

And... I just realized... I got another postcard from Beanie a few weeks ago... and it too had a big white streak through the middle of a Renoir... which seemed odd... I'm beginning to wonder if a mail machine is not working properly!

Oh... and I got an e-card from Droopy!! It's a Zoom card (of course) - beary cute! Thanks Droopy & Co.

Soo... that's mail call... and now... ah-hem... I was rummaging through my cupboard looking for something and...

I came across this sticker! It was a gift from Jerry and Ben back in... wait for it... 2017!! It got shuffled under some other stuff... huh...

But I thought it would look good on my water bottle... which has a vinyl sticker from Ajdin...

Don't you think?

So... voila! There we go... I am now an official Smokey the Bear cadet... if ever I come across a fire, I can douse it with the water in my water bottle!

Or something... Thanks J & B!!! P.S. I think it's Jerry's bearthday in a couple of days... Happy Bearthday Jerry!

And... just for Jerry... yes, there was a bearthday brownie! "Happy bearthday to me..."

And... do you see? The candles are in the shape of an "S" for "Sandy"!

I'm saving pieces for each of my friends... but you have to get here quick!


  1. I don't remember those white & green bits on the card...... I think they got deposited by some postal machinery....... !!!

    1. And the ink - the sparkly bits show up better in direct sunlight......

    2. Ah hah... will have to look at it when the sun comes out! Postal machinery... phooey...

  2. Happy Bearthday Sandy! Hope you have a great day.

  3. Ummm....this is secretary has forgotten your bearday....sigh.

  4. On the good note....I will celebrate your birthday with a fresh donut.

  5. Happy Bearthday Sandy!!!

    Hope you have a honey of a day! Your pals, Jerry and Ben
