Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Revisiting the Chanterelles

 Hullo! Today I am revisiting the chanterelles (it's September right now) cause we had a bit of rain and I thought they might have sprouted again.

It's another beautiful morning...

And this little bear casts a beary long shadow!


I'm beary excited to see if we can find some more chanterelles. While we find lots up by Gramma's place... this is the first location we've found on Vancouver Island.

Hmmm... this is a lobster mushroom. It's an orange fungus growing on a regular Russula mushroom. Not all that tasty but... somebody has been here looking for mushrooms. You can tell because the lobster mushroom has been cut with a knife.

I hope my little chanterelle patch is safe...

Here we are... there is still one of the originals that I left here. But it doesn't look like any new ones are growing. Not wet enough me thinks. We'll have to come back later (like October).

And hope that the competition doesn't find our patch!

Let's head back...

Ah... another mushroom... a white one... looks like a Russula...

White mushrooms are kind of hard to spot because the salal leaves go grey/white! Oh, there's a littlle pale orange coral mushroom.

And... now it's time for my post-hike snack!

Can you read that... it says "chocolate brownie"... We did it via a mobile order and picked it up in the store... but, they didn't have any brownies! Quel scandal!

I know... seriously... apparently they had sold two that morning... sheesh.

Anyhow... we got a chocolate croissant instead but...

Croissants are not very forkable...

It's yummy... but not as good as a brownie. Sigh.


  1. I LOVE PAN OH SHOKO LAH!!!!! That's my favouritest breakfast when I go to France!!

    1. Oh it was yummy! Just... not a brownie. Sigh... And I tend to think the French croissants are going to way lighter and flakier and scrumptious than what I had!

    2. Ah but a kwussant is not the same thing as a Panno Shoko Lah. Kwussants are VERY light and flaky - well the proper French ones are - and best eaten hot with butter. Panno Shoko Lah aren't kwussants. Completely different "animal", as it were.

  2. I think next time you go for an after hike snack you should get 2 brownies.

    1. I agree... once for eating out and one for taking home to eat later.

  3. That croissant sure looks yummy. I wish dogs didn't have a problem with chocolate...

    1. So true... but they have bacon sandwiches there too...

    2. Not a kwussant. Panno Shoko LAH.

    3. You are correct - a croissant should be that nice horn-shaped flaky pastry goodness... and yet Starbucks does call this concoction a "chocolate croissant". I wonder if they sell these in Paris as "croissant"??

  4. Pain au chocolat?? YUM! One of our favs!

    1. Oh, it was yummy... just not as flaky as a Parisian croissant...
