Monday, November 23, 2020

Bear on the Hunt

 ... there's one... ooohhh...

And another one there!!

And another one!! This is a good spot!

I'll have to remember this spot...

Oh... hello!! Yes... chanterelle hunting today. This is definitely the season and... I am going to try a new trail that I haven't gone down before... paw claws crossed...

Here we go... 

And... beary quickly... I spotted a shine of white in the bush...

Hah!!! Hiding under the moss and the salal...

And there's another one under the leaves...

Whew... this is a good trail for chanterelles!

I even found some lobster mushrooms... but we're going to take a pass on those and stick with chanterelles...

But lobsters and chanterelles like to hang out... so keep your eyes peeled!

Ah-hah!!! There's another one!

A nice big one...


And... look what else I found! It's an old log cabin...

With some newer log pole roof bits...

Likely kids playing at some point... although there were empty propane canisters here... so maybe a homeless camp at some point.

Next to a well-traveled trail... probably not the best spot!

Whew... I am one tuckered bear... do you think it's time for a snack?

We did bring a snack, right? And a back pack?

Let me just rummage around in here...

Paper bags (for mushrooms)... pocket knife (for mushrooms) and... what's this... ah-hah!

It's a cookie!!

Oat chocolate chip pumpkin seed cookie... yum!!!

And... this was our haul!

Too many to eat... so we are dehydrating them...

Then we can use them for sauces and stir-fries and... what have you... cool!


  1. Nice haul of mushrooms.....but I thought you didn't like them very much. Just one cookie for all that work? Hopefully you didn't have to share.

    1. This household is trying to expand their culinary horizons. Ideally Gramma would live nearby and we could dump them all on her but... sigh... nope. We did give some to the neighbours who were a bit skeptical at first but eventually declared them "delicious!". We dice them up really, really small and then add them to stir-frys and stuff... sacrilegious I know! Ideally they would be fried up in butter and served on toast or something... we're working up to that.
