Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Bearthday Mail!

 Hullo... I got some mail last week - I like getting mail... My human is super-jealous... Oh... Hi Minnie...

Say Hi to the readers, Minnie! 

OK... as I was saying... mail!

Sigh... No, Minnie, there are no cat treats here...

Look... I know this is your normal cat treat seat but... no treats here right now... And I'm filming... soooo... can I have some privacy please?

And... sigh... cat tail...

What is it with cats turning their bums on you??

Finally!!! I got mail!!! This first one... has the fleur-de-lis on it... which means...

It's from Jerry & Ben!

It's a Halloween card (not a bearthday card)... 

Oh, it's my price for their Halloween Contest... so much fun!

I love coming up with costume ideas and... I already have a plan for next year! Heh-heh...

And... another card from Jerry & Ben!

With some cute stickers... one of Puss 'n' boots and one of the French provinces (I think)...

Cool stickers!

Ohhhh... a beary flashy birthday card... beary nice.

Thanks guys!

Such a nice card...

Thanks so much! And... in case you all are wondering... I am still waiting for my official bearthday gift... apparently it's "in the mail"... and you know how that goes during a pandemic... I am waiting patiently...