Tuesday, March 7, 2017

I'm Home!

 Hullo! I'm home!! I had a great time down in Oregon with Little Fox. But it's good to be home.

And Mama... I even brought a souvenir for you! A beautiful magnet of Multnomah Falls.

There's also some mail here for me... a Valentine's Day Card from Jerry & Ben! And a Starbucks card (with no $$ on it). It's a beautiful card... that's a bear face!

Oh... and there was some stuff that they sent a few weeks back... A bear-sized football. The smallest Nutella jar EVER! And some Smokey the Bear swag. Thanks guys!! Now... time to get to work!


  1. Welcome home! The Nutella jar is small enough to slip in your pocket. On those long hikes and camping trips, you just may have a Nutella emergency!

  2. Thanks! The Nutella jar is super cute and that's a good idea. Keep it in the backpack for those chocolate emergencies! It's good to be home but... I must say... the humans have been seriously falling down on the job.

    1. Ours too! We were tempted to give a somewhat negative evaluation....but...we are being taken on a nice vacation somewhere warm and sunny starting on Sunday. We'll post about it.

  3. Welcome home Sandy. Glad you arrived safely!

    1. Thanks Droopy! It's good to be home but my goodness... there is a lot of stuff to handle!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Ajdin... I think I need to hire an assistant to help me supervise these humans.
