Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mystery Mail!

 More mail!! This one is from... hmmm... it is beary mysterious...

For one thing... there is something inside the envelope... and it can't be squeeshed...

And then... the return sender is... don't know... but likely a bear!

Although... not sure who... I would tend to think Ajdin but...

This gets more mysterious by the second...

See... it's got a Canadian stamp and... a Ladysmith post mark!! I don't have any stuffy pals in Ladysmith... or Canada for that matter soooo...

What the heck!!??

Ohhh... a cool card. Of a Sasquatch I think...

And... a message from the Ministry of Puzzles! 

I KNEW it was Ajdin... hmph... and a super cool pin button!

Do you see? It's got a Canada Goose on it... 

It complements other pins I have... one from the USA (Minnesota) and one from the UK (with a cat)! Thanks Minister of Puzzles!!!


  1. Impressive trick on getting the Canadian stamp and Ladysmith post mark.

  2. Glad it arrived! Are you weighed down by your pins? Looks heavy

    1. mmmm... my shirt is definitely feeling the pull of gravity!
