Monday, August 24, 2020

Handy Sandy strikes again

 Handy Sandy here! Today we are working on a garden project...

This is our garden fountain... the pump died a few weeks ago and we ordered a replacement through Home Depot which took its sweet time arriving...

How is the postal service down in the States? Do things come quickly or do the delivery geese get distracted by shiny things?

Anyhow... here is our pump... the first trick is to get the pump out of its plastic straight jacket... a bit tricky sometimes...

Better let the human do this... they heal faster than stuffies!

And... I am going to supervise from this awesome vantage point... because the fountain bits first need to be cleaned and... stuffies and water do not mix... especially dirty water!

Let's see... cleaning job looks pretty good... now it's a matter of assembling hoses and pumps and...

Voila!!! Fountain, c'est fini! The neighbourhood sparrows and chickadees will be beary happy.... they use the fountain as a bird bath.

Which is fine... except they waste a LOT of water... which means the humans need to be on top of filling up the fountain otherwise the pump runs dry and... well... that's why we needed a new pump!

The birds love the upper basin where the water burbles up... and so we have rocks and sticks in there so they can stand and splash...

And... a mermaid... cause we know a mermaid too!

Yes we do... her name is Rose! Handy Sandy signing off!


  1. Nice work. Love the Minnesota pin. Nice addition to your Canada pin

  2. The fountain is beary beautiful! The birds will thank you!

    1. Oh they do.. there's usually a line-up in the rose bush for the next dip in the fountain.
