Tuesday, August 11, 2020

A couple of VIP visitors

Hullo! We have some visitors... can you guess who they might be???

It's Otto!!!

Big hug!!! Missed you buddy!

We've got a lot of catching up to do... don't we?

Otto's currently reading The Crimes of Grindelwald... I haven't read that yet...

And Otto brought a silver key chain and another stuffie friend, a turtle named... wait for it... Speeeeedyyyyy... Hi Speeeeedyyyyy! "Hellllooooooooooooo"... OK, then... not sure where his name came from but... welcome!

And... of course... Rose is here!!!!

Jerry and Ben had sent some Harry Potter stickers for Rose and she loved them! Thanks guys!

I decided to take Otto to some water... it's been a long journey on the ferry...

It requires a bit of a scramble across the creek...

Hurry up Rose!

And then a trek through the tunnel...

Are we there yet?

We're at the waterfall! Otto thinks it looks great!

I'm just going to sit on the rocks...

But Otto splashed through the water... which was moderately cold...

But Otters love water... no matter what temperature...

And after a bit of back and forth... Rose went in to... as did Mama... hence the lack of End-of-Adventure photos!!


  1. Hi Otto! Nice to see you and Rose again!

  2. It's good to see the gang. Nice to meet you speedy.

    1. Speedy has a reply coming but... like Oogie... he has to think it over for a while and... well...

  3. Replies
    1. She is still an inch shorter than Mama but... it won't be long now!
