Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mail for Sherlock Sandy

I received some mail last week...

I got two fat envelopes... this one is from Ajdin...

And this one is from Beanie Mouse... Let's take a look at Beanie's mail first...

 Whoa!!! Wow... this is a lot of stuff!

A lot of cool postcards!

I think this must be my prize for entering Beanie's Art Expedition Contest...

I think this is Beanie's card to me...

It says... Congratulations on winning the Heraldry first price in the Stuffies Art Expedition... and... wait... what's this?

First clue for Sherlock Sandy enclosed somewhere!!!

Uh... just wait one minute... I'll be right back...

***cue elevator music***

Ahem... it is I, Sherlock Sandy... ready for a new case! There is a clue in here somewhere... let me sift through these cards and find it...

 Ah-hah!! Here we go... The clue says:
A theft at the Mint
  has London Town shaken
A sparkling new coin of
   the Realm has been taken
Then worth two bob, now
   a tenth of a pound (£)
Find the accommodation
   a Detective is found...

What is the coin?

 Uhhh... I mean... Ahem... Beary interesting... I must pursue this clue...

I wonder if this has anything to do with Bob T. Bear... "worth two bob"?? Hmmm... Methinks I must employ the services of my trusty assistant... Google...

Here we are... I typed in "two bob" and sure enough... it's one of those British slang words for money.

So I found a site on the old British currency...

Let's see... 2 farthings = 1 Halfpenny, 2 halfpence = 1 penny... 3 pence = thruppence... and 6 pence = 1 sixpence or a tanner... 12 pence = 1 shilling... so I guess 2 tanners = 1 shilling as well... And a shilling is also known as a bob... so 2 tanners = 1 bob. (My head is hurting)... And... here we go... 2 shillings or 2 bob = 1 florin or a two bob. Sheesh!!

There we go... a picture of 2 shillings or 2 bob or 1 Florin...

 Right then... So... Florin... hmmm...

But then there's this bit... "Find the accommodation a Detective is found"... Beanie sent a hint which said... Art Deco Building... hmmm...

I can tell you now that 221b Baker Street is NOT art deco and... neither are any of the Scotland Yard (New or Old) buildings... hmm... let me think... A famous detective who is NOT Sherlock Holmes... Ooohh... what's that guy... the one from Agatha Christie... Hercules something or other... Let me look...

Hercule Poirot!!! A famous detective and... he lived at Florin Court which... tadah! Is an art deo building...

Fini!!! Whew... case closed... Now I just need to look at Ajdin's mail...


  1. AHA!!! Moriarty can now send you the second clue in The Case Of The Missing Bullion!!!

  2. Nice work detective Sandy. Interesting h oi w the art deco theme is coming around again. Perhaps po s there is a trip to see more art deco buildings in n your future?

    1. Thanks LF... I like the art deco theme although I'm not sure there are any trips in my future... other than local hiking. Sigh.
