Monday, May 18, 2020

Mail and Stickers

Hullo! This blog is the first one I am writing with the new Blogger layout... sigh. Why do they do these things to us stuffies??  Right now... I don't like it beary much!

Anyhow... I got some mail! This card is from Jerry and Ben... Even if they hadn't written their names at the top...

You an always tell because they leave their trademark portraits somewhere on the envelope.

They sent this beary nice card.

And the weather has warmed up for them... which means Jerry is beary happy in the garden!

Excellent news! Thanks for the card guys!

Hmm... I really like this style of card... it reminds me of some that I've seen in Mama's stash from San Francisco... let me see if I can find it...

Somewhere in here I think...

Some stuffies wonder if/when I am going to run out of stickers but...

I keep finding more squirreled away...

Oh, I forgot I had more of these cards... A Cete of Badgers - who comes up with these names?

Didn't find those cards in there... let's try in here...

While we're at it... might as well look for a Mother's Day card for Gramma...

I like some of these cards but...

I think this one is perfect for Mother's Day... 

But... I'm beginning to think someone has wwaaaaayyyy too many cards stashed away!

Sheesh! Maybe it's time to write some!

And more cards... some of these are decades old...

But... we have success!!! Finally...

These are the cards from San Francisco - they have a beary simple style that is pleasing to this simple stuffie's eye... And I have an idea...

I scanned the cards and we made some home-made stickers!

What do you think? They turned out pretty good I think... 

And while we were at it... It got Mama to make me some stickers of me! Cause the vanity postage stamps are all gone now... sigh...  It took some fiddling in Publisher but...

I think we got it to work.

Here they come...

I think they turned out pretty good... I look good in red!

As I was writing this blog... I got MORE mail... but that will need a whole separate post...


  1. OH WOW!!! You got more cards stashed away than we do!!! (you need to start writing to people!!!) And I love your stickers too!!

  2. Nice stickers! I will have to ask my human to make some like that....

    1. It was pretty easy although I would like to find some shiny sticker paper...

  3. Good idea on the stickers. Beary good.
    I think we need an intervention for your mom.....she has LOTS of cards and stickers.

  4. I really like the stickers! It's a great idea.. hmm... I need a secretary to make me some

    1. Yes you need a sekrebeary... given the high rate of unemployment you should have some pretty good pickings... no?
