Saturday, February 29, 2020

Architecture Contest Entries & Winner!

Hullo! The Architecture Contest closed yesterday and... I had three entries! Little Fox, his pal Grinnell and Beanie Mouse (of course!).

Little Fox sent in this beary nice picture...

Grinnell submitted this pic. Looks like Grinnell might be related to Leo...

And Beanie Mouse & String Beanie had their pic taken in front of the Savoy Hotel in London which is a beary posh and famous art deco building.

Aaaannnndddd.... drum roll please... the winner by random draw is... Grinnell!!!!

Congrats Grinnell! Our people will be in touch with your people to deliver your prize... edible prize... mmm...


  1. HURRAAYYY!!!! Well done Grinnell!!! Actually, we heard about another Art Deco building in London that we want to visit - not far from the St Pancras youth hostel. We might wait until you're over first though.....

  2. Grinnel is very excited to have won.
