Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Parched Bear...

Hello... I am trekking back to our resort along the Akumal Trail. This beach is a big turtle nesting site...

Wow... it sure is a long way back....

Oh look... beach stuff!

Some coral... and a limpet and the tiniest sea urchin ever!

Oooh... more sea urchins!

These ones still have a bunch of the spines, big and small, attached. Neat.

And... what looks like fossils... hmmm... too bad my pal Little Fox, Archaeologist isn't here...

I see some corals and bivalve shells...


But... geez... it sure is hot out... and I'm parched... this is a super long hike and... I don't think...

... I'm going to make it... Oh wait... is that our resort? Finally???

Nooo... I think I'm hallucinating...

Carry me?

Whew... made it... but that was an epic trek... time to relax in the hammock.

Oh... and time for a piña colada too please...

That's better...

We got another towel animal... not sure what this is...

And this one looks like a squid?

Nooo idea... mermaid?

Hmmm.... mysterious....

But a fun mode of transport!


  1. I always love your Beachcomber Bear outfit. Quite a collection of towel animals you collected there, too!

  2. Such fun at the beach!

    "We have sNow and colD and Ice.." grumble, grumble

  3. That pinata colada looks big enough for two stuffies. Stay hydrated
