Thursday, February 20, 2020

Sandy Bear Numismatist

Hello there. While I was in Mexico, I got a few odd American currency pieces. At first I thought they might be bogus... cause I'd never seen them before!

Here we have a $2 bill - I only thought the US had $1 bills but... apparently not.

I wonder why we don't see more of these...

Maybe my American stuffie pals can shed some light on the matter?

The other thing is a coin that I got as change...

At first I thought it was a quarter but... it isn't...

It's a one dollar coin! Huh... I've seen half dollar coins but they are bigger... This one is strange.

And it's got a picture of a woman on the back. It's called a Susan B. Anthony coin...

Maybe my American stuffie friends can enlighten me on why the US doesn't have dollar coins either?? Inquiring minds want to know!


  1. Yeah, those are a thing! Hang on to them...they might be worth something someday...

  2. Ah the two dollar bill. People either love them or hate them. What, no pennies in your currency collection? Didn't Canada get rid of the penny a while ago?

  3. You are beary rich!

    The $2 bill is something I've only seen a couple of times, and usually they are very crisp, straight from the bank. I have also used the dollar coin a few times also, but sometimes I worry that they will get stuck in the vending machine since those machines just usually indicate quarters, dimes, and nickels.

  4. @Droopy - will do!
    @Little Fox - Nope, no pennies! Yes, we got rid of ours.. I still find the occasional one in the garden or on the ground.
    @Ajdin - This is a pretty well-used bill, must have been around the block a few times.
