Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Beach Explorer

I got up early enough to see the sunrise this morning...


There's a lot of stuff that has been washed up by the waves... will have to explore more! but first...

Off to the buffet for breakfast where... I found this... has anyone seen one of these before?

That's honeycomb in the glass house... and it drips down onto that v-shaped tray and...

Drips into this bowl where we have pure... honey!!! I'll take the whole bowl please!

Fortified and ready for beach exploration...

Cute little sea urchin shell... and some seaweed...

...brain coral...

 And an amazing fan coral!

This is beary cool - an asymmetrical sea urchin...

And one that still has some spines hanging onto it!

 Whew... that is hard work... I need something to drink... Do you think this bubba mug is big enough for a little bear?

And... nap time!

And we got another towel animal!! Cool... I think it's a... scorpion?


  1. That money machine is awesome. Now. .if they had one for smoked salmon too.

  2. I meant to say honey machine, not money. Silly autocorrect

  3. A money machine would indeed be terrific. The honey machine is pretty cool too :)

    That place is a piece of heaven for little bears!

    1. Now that you mention it, a money machine would be pretty cool.

  4. @Little Fox - Hmmm... I like the idea of a money machine. But the honey machine was pretty cool too.

  5. Money machine... wow that would be awesome.

    I have never seen a honey machine like that before. What an absolute must-have for our kitchen...

    1. It's a cool idea... I think every bear should have a honey hive.
