Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mail Call!

I received some mail last week. I must say... the postal geese are slacking off. This is a Valentine's Day card and took forever to get here. And... er... cough-cough... the sekrebeary is slacking off a bit in timely posting. Think she may be resting on her laurels too much with all the international trips I've been taking... Must stay on top of her!

This card is FULL of stickers... Peanuts stickers... and a fleur-de-lis design... I know who this is from!

Can you see... right at the very bottom...

Two little bears!!

It's a Valentine's Day card from Jerry & Ben!

Awww... thanks guys!

Oh, and Ben says "Hello" to Rose. Did you know Rose is going into high school next year? How did that happen??? She was just a tiny mouse and now... sheesh... they grow up quick!

Another self-portrait... that's Ben waving "hello" to Rose I think.

Thanks so much guys! I didn't get Valentine's cards off this year... Mexico taking priority of course... But I did get postcards sent off... so that is something. Did you know it's spring here? Yes... we heard robins singing the other morning... and we've started planting stuff in the greenhouse... What's that? Oh... er... yes... my friends in the American Midwest may not be quite that far along (still up to their armpits in snow) soooo... I'll just zip my little mouth and keep the crocus pictures to myself... for a bit!