Thursday, January 9, 2020

Road Trip!!!

Hullo!! Guess what!! ... Well... yes... we ARE going on a road trip... how did you know?... Anyhow... we are going on a road trip... so excited!!

Are we there yet? Why are we stopping? Where are we?

Oh yes... let me introduce you... This is the truck's little fox mascot... we saw him lying in the middle of the road one day and picked him up... He doesn't have a name yet although... the truck is named Clifford... so maybe Cliff the Fox? What do you think?

Ah... we are by the ocean, beary nice...

 It's beary calm and peaceful here... but a bit nippy. Good thing I am warmly dressed in my bomber jacket.

This is Mill Bay apparently... hmmm... are we staying here?

 Nope... we continued driving and had a stop at Spectacle Lake...

The little creek is in full flow - I wonder if there are any salmon here?

Voila... Spectacle Lake - not sure if it is "Spectacle" as in "eyeglasses" or "Spectacle" as in "something amazing to see here"... it is quite pretty and... do you see?

There is ice on the lake!

That will make Jerry & Ben feel better I am sure... seeeee... we have ice too!

And... we're here! Sooo pooped... road trips can be beary draining... stay tuned for more adventures on the road...