Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Foot-sore Bear

Oh hello... er... WAIT...


Ah-hem... hello! We are in Victoria tracking down Art Deco buildings...

 We are starting along the waterfront... See the BC Legislature in the background (with the green room)... we're heading thataway...

Along the way we say the Prince of Wales... heh-heh...

That's Prince Charles for you non-British folk... believe me? Sigh... me neither... we saw....

The Prince of Whales! Heh-heh!

Anyhow... this is the Empress Hotel... it used to be covered in ivy and looked much cooler...

See... cooler!

But I guess ivy damages buildings soooo... phooie on the ivy.

That's a nice totem pole... looks like a bear with a frog on his head (don't ask me why)... and maybe a human on the bottom? Apparently the bear is holding a "copper" the symbol of a chief. Cool.

 Across the street is the legislature... we didn't go in...

And behind me is the harbour...

When you walk around Victoria you see a LOT of these symbols... It's a dogwood, BC's provincial flower (it's a tree)...

 See... it's a garbage can! Pretty garbage can though...

But I don't think it's art deco...

Across the street is the Royal British Columbia Museum.... we should go in some day...

Ah... here we go... finally... this is the Douglas Building, built in 1951 as accommodation for civil servants. It's supposed to be art deco but... who can tell with the bus in front!

It's kind of... meh... maybe cause the paint is all faded...

There's a side door...

 I've going to vote "no" to this being my favourite art deco building. Hmph! Onwards...

 We saw this lost little building amidst a bunch of condos...

 It's a pioneer's house - the Robert Portman House... cool... Do you think maybe Craftsman style?

Hmm... saw this sign which seems a bit perplexing... Day is for Resting? This little bear has pooped paws and is going to rest for a bit!


  1. FYI... no spotting of Harry and Meghan... although we weren't really looking either...

  2. Wait. Harry and Meghan are relocating to Victoria? You should arrange a dinner party with them. They are new to town, probably looking for friends.

    1. I'm thinking I might have more luck with little Archie's stuffie friends... always assuming royal babies have stuffie friends. They must, right?

  3. Flower alert? is that for stuffies with allergies?

    1. Noooo... is for a pair of mid-Western bears who are buried up to their eyebrows in snow and who have conniption fits at the thought of January flowers blooming elsewhere on the North American continent!
