Thursday, November 7, 2019

Stowaway Bear

Hello, I'd like to introduce you to my new friend, Bar. He is here visiting with Rose since Otto is off on a top secret mission... Bar told me that he had some secret news as well...

***whisper whisper***

Whoa!!! Seriously???


Hold that thought... I'll be right back!

"Hmmm... I wonder where Sandy keeps his secret stash of honey..."

OK... I'm ready!!!

Bar told me that Rose and her family are going to a warm beach somewhere south... and Bar suggested I join the trip as a stowaway! I think that's a great idea... cause.... you know... it's my bearthday coming up and I really need a relaxing beach vacay after all of my international travels!

Oh, Hi Rose... why don't you go and brush your hair or something... we can continue packing for you...

Ooof... let's see... where to hide... where to hide...

Under Rose's new tropical motif bathing suit looks good...

Still not brushed with the hair??


  1. My goodness. You might spend more time traveling this year compared to being at home

  2. A secret trip...? with Rose!?!!?! What a lucky bear!

  3. @Beanie - Yes!!!! Giggling the whole way!
    @Droopy - I have a lot of names don't I? Handy Sandy, Sherlock Sandy, Sneaky Sandy!
    @Ajdin - super exciting!!
    @Little Fox - I think you might be right - It seems like I've been on the go constantly since late April
    @Jerry & Ben - I seem to have hit the jackpot this year!
