Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Making Friends on the Beach

Hullo!! I had a fab bearthday a few days ago down here in Mexico and met Rupert the Moose! He's from Canada somewhere too!

We had a great time sunning ourselves...

And exploring the local beaches. The resort has jungle on either side so... we have to be a bit careful... don't want to get snatched by animals or something!

The beach sure looks nice but...

Once you're away from the resort, there's a lot of garbage and stuff...

Plastic... bad!

After our beach expedition, we checked out the pool...

And then suntanned some more... although Rupert said he was getting too hot so he took off after a while. Bye Rupert!

***Burp*** just cleaned off a plate of food...

Now it's time to test some local beverages!! Beary colourful!

Ohhh... nice... ***hic***

Oh, I like this one!! ***hic***
 I just... whoops... can't seem to sit up straight anymore...

Rose gave me a hand... wheeeeee!!! Let's PARTY!!! *** hic***

Actually... I don't feel so good now... I think I need to go and rest or something... ***hic***...


  1. don't forget the sunscreen!
    don't drink too much!

  2. Great vacation photos! We bet Rose is enjoying the ocean and swimming pool!

  3. But....we have to say that Sandy's frequent WORLD TRAVELS are causing a bit of grumbling in the house...grumbling by 2 little bears who are wanting to travel more, and who are thus blaming the seKretaries for not booking more trips. Jerry says "A littul guilt trip neVer hert anybody!" Clever bear...

    1. Sandy's frequent travels are causing some grumbling by a little fox who wants to travel more as well. Hopefully sekrebeary will take the hint.

    2. Agreed; if grumbling doesn't work, sad stuffie eyes usually does the trick.

    3. I put my paw down with my sekrebeary earlier this year and it seems to be working...
