Sunday, November 17, 2019

Resort Explorations

Today, I thought I'd wander around the resort a bit - it's pretty big and I've seen hardly any of it!

The pools are quite amazing but beary busy...

 Although if you go early in the morning... it's better!

Ooh... fancy gardens - let's goo and see what they have!

Uh... crocodiles for one!! Or are they alligators...

Better run!!!

Whew... time for a game of Bear Chess anyone?

OK... there's a big wild cat here... leopard? cheetah? What are they called down here? Ocelot? Jaguar maybe... Still... run!

Awww... cute!! A lemur I think... he looks friendly...

I wonder what's through here?


I'm not edible!!! I'm just a stuffed bear!

Oh... and an iguana... he's bigger than me... so I think I'm going to run...

Ahh... peace and quiet... I'm pooped!

Time to relax on the loungers I think...


  1. Relaxing on a lounger sounds fun. Be sure to have a fruity drink for me.

  2. Looks super fun! We bet Rose is having a beary good time!
