Friday, November 15, 2019

Beach Comber Bear

Good morning!! I'm off exploring again... Rupert and I noticed a lot of seashells the other day... and I want to see if I can find some cool ones!

Here's a few...

And more garbage... sigh.

Ooh... what's this? It looks like a crab... with one leg...

But it looks kind of blue? Weird!

This is all I've found so far.

I think they are bits of worm tubes and maybe a sea urchin...

Oh here we go!!!

That's a pretty good haul.

I wonder who lives in here?

And a big blog of sponge!!

And one of the fan corals...

That was a fun day exploring!


  1. Exciting archaeological expedition! Too bad L.F. isn't with you. Your outfit is perfect for the beach!

  2. @Droopy - I know - we'd have had such fun!
    @Little Fox - Yes, but my editor figured I might get viewed as a Drunk Bear!
    @Ajdin - they were behind the scenes apparently...
