Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sherlock Sandy and the Third Clue from the Ministry of Puzzles

Hello... it is I, Sherlock Sandy, super sleuth... I received another piece of male the other week.

Once again, it is from the Ministry of Puzzles... mailed in the United States... hmmm...

And again... marked by the Bearhood of the Missing Pants...

Clue #3... a jigsaw puzzle?! I am great at jigsaw puzzles!

This should be a piece of cake...

oooohhh... this looks tricky...

Let's first lay out all the pieces... Normally I do the edge of a puzzle first but...

A lot of these pieces have straight edges!

I'll work on matching funny shapes... there we go...

And there's another piece....

 Huh... this looks like a beary strange flag... definitely not from Cambodia or Norway (my last two clues).

Anyone else recognize this flag? Maybe it's from Vulcan or something?

Almost there!

Ah-hah... complete!

 Now... how to figure out what country's flag??? In the olden days I would have consulted the encyclopedia but... today... we shall google it!

Let's see... that's a lot of flags... apparently there are 195 countries in the world!

Oooyyyyy... let's see... blue with triangle...

Oh!! I see it!! There on the bottom right... do you see it?

But that doesn't tell me what country it is... for that we need to search for country flag, blue with triangle... and.. .voila!

There's our flag... it is from St. Lucia!! The blue symbolizes the ocean and the sky, the white and black symbolize the two races that mingle harmoniously, the yellow symbolizes the sun (and prosperity) and the two triangles represent the two Pitons (mountain peaks) on the island (Gros Piton and Petit Piton)! Cool...

Mission accomplished!


  1. Cambodia, Norway and St Lucia??? Huh??

  2. Interesting mystery. I see a connection between St. Lucia and Norway, but Cambodia????? That's a tricky one.

    1. I'd be interested to hear your theory on St. Lucia and Norway... I'm wondering if it all marks a big triangle on the globe and the centre marks "the spot"... maybe...
