Sunday, June 28, 2020

Bears in Paris

I was reading the news the other day and... did you know that huge stuffie bears are taking over Paris??

It's true!!

See... they are helping patrons at this cafe practice social distancing... Cool!!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Garden Update

Hullo... I thought I would do a garden update but... I am so chock-a-block full of adventure blogs that this one is already a month out of date... So this update... is from mid-May. Sigh... anyhow! The chives are blooming and attracting... can you guess?

Bees!! Do you see them?

There!... No, there! They sure do move fast...

Here's one!

 After the chives are done... the lavender will bloom and bees love lavender...

Our carrots are popping up...

The garlic is doing beary well...

And the leeks too... some of them are going to flower and the bees love those flowers too.

In the greenhouse we have some tomatoes...

And the sunflowers we started indoors! We had a few fatalities during re-potting so only three survived...

But our cucumber seedlings are going gang-busters!

And our tomato seedlings too... we are going to put them in pots outside of the greenhouse...

But the cucumber babies are going in the greenhouse...

But we have too many... no fatalities in the cucumber seedling department...

Oh, and the squash seedlings are coming up!

Squash and zucchini actually...

And there we go... cucumber seedlings are planted...

Let's given some privacy to settle in and check outside...

Oooh... radishes are doing good and need some thinning...

Which results in tiny, bear-sized radishes!


 Hmm... the beets are not doing great... might need to re-seed some...

This year I am trying parsnip... they are coming up strong.

We first saw them in a garden last year at Gramma's and thought... why not...

Oh... and all this frilly stuff is dill... it just pops up everywhere now...

And these are the bush peas who... apparently... need some support... We thought they could do without support but nooo... so we are trying tomato cages... and then there is more dill... of course...

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Cool Rock Formation

Hullo! I found it!! The cool rock formation in this park...

See... there it is...

There are huge boulders here, moss covered... with all sorts of neat hiding spots for little bears.

And... er... possibly other things. Did anyone hear a twig crack in there?

Anyone have a flashlight? No... OK, then... no exploring of dark spaces for me!

This is a perfect climbing spot for little bears.

See... huge boulders!

 And the moss is really thick on them too...

I wonder what's back there?

Or in there?

Maybe one day... with a flashlight...

And... I am going up there... somehow.

It's beary neat here...

I wonder what made this big boulder pile?

It, too, reminds me of a Middle Earth place... 

 And... after the hike... a visit to Starbucks... where we picked up our mobile order outside...



Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Morning Adventures

Hullo! We are up early again and off on another exercise walk...

This cherry tree is blooming nicely...

And the pond is beary calm and still which makes for nice reflection pictures... 

I poked around a bit and found this little tree growing on a stump out in the water...

That is a determined little tree...

 We've not been to this park beary much... but I remember there was a cool rock formation here... somewhere...

Huh... this pipe goes over a bit of a gorge where the creek runs... I would try balancing across maybe but they've made that hard with those metal tents...

Probably a good thing as stuffie balance is notoriously wobbly!

Sigh... where is the rock formation thingie???

Is it up this way?

Nope... this is just the second pond above the first pond.


But not what I am looking for...

Ah! A map... not helpful... They don't label "cool rock formation" spots apparently. Sigh.

But it's around here somewhere!

Maybe down this way?

Yes!! I see it!! Stay tuned...